Finally, the weather again showed signs of summer. It’s been a warm and sunny day and on this particular Monday night sitting my apartment I decided to go for a little evening walk. It was dark but still pretty warm outside. If you are familiar with the area I walked at Mt Auburn St to Brattle Square, and from there to Harvard Square. If you are not familiar with it I can tell you that it’s about a ten-minute walk to Harvard Square (and ten minutes back).
During the day and especially on weekends when the weather is nice, a lot of people are entertaining around this area – musicians mostly. On this random Monday night, on that ten-minute walk I passed no less than 5 music “bands”! To be fair, one was a single man with a guitar, so not really a band, but anyway… I have posted two videos. The first is with two guys: one playing cello and one on drums. Playing like the world around them doesn’t exist. That one is from Brattle Square. The other one is from Harvard Square. The band is playing from energy only made by three modified sofa-bicycles standing behind the band. The people listening then took random turns on the sofa-bikes to make the energy for the band’s instruments, microphones and light etc. I don’t know if I was able to catch the spirit but the music… I’m sorry; their music was fucking awesome. And in one corner even the homeless people usually crowding parts of Harvard Square, where people tend to be pretty generous, were dancing (or at least trying to).
Summing up: New York might be the city that never sleeps. But Cambridge is the city where people never stop living.
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